Friday, August 14, 2015

There Sleeve type of obesity?

In the following study found several different types of obesity disease, get to know them:

The researchers have identified six different types of people who suffer from obesity," and The Independent newspaper reported it. It has assumed that each type could benefit from therapeutic program target for obesity a disease instead of the common therapeutic approach that is appropriate for everyone.

This study has examined a number of the study data 4000 adult patients participated in the study of obesity Yorkshire County health. This study aims to see if it was possible classification of people who suffer from obesity, according to public health and lifestyle characteristics.

The study said six groups of people who suffer from obesity, but are:
Sahahat young girls - women suffer from obesity, but in general to have few complications associated with disease obesity, such as diabetes type 2 disease.
Males with excessive drink - as in the past, but with a great deal of drinking alcohol.
Middle-aged people do not feel happy and worried - mostly a women suffer from poor mental health and the lack of the feeling of happiness.
Wealthy elderly and those with good - in particular the health of people with good health but they have the qualities to drink alcohol heavily and suffering from high blood pressure.
The elderly who suffer from physical ailments, but feel happy - people from the elderly suffering from chronic diseases such as osteoporosis and but with good mental health.
People with weak healthy - people who are suffering from economic deprivation, also suffering from a large number of chronic diseases.

This research is supposed to be better identify subgroups of people who suffer from obesity, instead of putting all these people in one class, which may help in the breakdown of interventions and treatments are more effective and influential. The current study does not prove this theoretical assumption, where he deserves more discussion and searched.
From where did this story?

We have been implementing this study through a number of researchers from the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom and the Harvard School of Public Health in the United States, and is not mentioned financial support for this study sources.

This study has been published in the peer review of Public Health.

And it has been reported English media that the results of this study were correct. But in general, it can confirm as a search in my view only.

This study does not provide conclusive evidence in itself of the existence of six varieties of people who suffer from obesity, or that these people will benefit from the various types of treatment.

What is this type of research?

This research is an analysis of the data that was collected as part of the collective ongoing study in the United Kingdom, the study of Yorkshire Health District, which aims to see if it was possible classification of people who suffer from obesity to different sub-groups according to health characteristics of social or demographic or behavioral.

The researchers had assumed that the use of a single rating for the disease of obesity - all these simply scale with body size for 30 or more - to be located by visual variables in people who suffer from obesity definition.

And some can be had different levels of physical fitness and metabolism require different interventions. For example, some people who suffer from obesity can have a link to the amount of alcohol they consume, while some of the other can be a result of lack of exercise and poor nutrition.

And this will be a useful initial study to try to determine whether there are different Makeup obesity, but can you explain to us more than that. And without the expansion of this study, we will not know whether this is a kind of sub-constant suffering from various health risks and which can benefit from the different types of treatment.
What contained in this search?

This study using data collected from the study of Yorkshire County health between 2010 and 2012. This study aimed to examine the health needs of people in Yorkshire County.

I have been sent questionnaires to Micharkin coach of the year, and data on the number was 27 806 person assembly (16% response rate), and 4144 the number of people suffering from obesity scale the size of the body of 30 or more.

And questionnaire included information on age, sex, ethnic and socio-economic status and health status. Validation questionnaire to assess the quality of working life that are related to health.

Behavioral assessments collect information on the status of smoking, amount of alcohol consumed, physical activity, and whether the person has been fought in the management of any activity related to their weight, such as visiting slimming clubs, control the sizes of areas in their bodies, or treatment without a prescription.

The main analysis looking at different groups of people with the general characteristics.

You all the methods used in the treatment of obesity!
What were the basic results?

The average age for a group of people that are being studied 56 general, 58% of whom were women, and the average body size Mkiesr 34. Most of them (95%) were from the fair-skinned, and generally come from areas suffering from extreme deprivation in the province.

And analyzed the data, the researchers found that there are six distinct groups of people who suffer from obesity. And they have been identified as follows:
Males with over-the-drink
Female young lady health
Elderly suffering from physical ailments, but feel happy
Senior age with good health of the rich
Middle-aged people are not happy with anxiety
People with weak health.

The largest of these groups is the group of healthy young females, which represents the most positive characteristics when compared with different variables across the groups.

For example, people who use alcohol less than some other thing, to have the degrees of satisfaction clearly about life, and deal with their weight a little more effectively.

The male who eat a lot of drink group similar to the group of healthy young women expect the amount of alcohol they consume with (average 11.86 unit for each week versus 4.98).

There are other recipes vary in a group than in the various groups. For example, include a group of persons with middle ages, and do not feel happy, and suffer from anxiety often, the number of women with mental health weakness and a decline in the quality of life and sense of well-being.

Include the elderly who suffer from physical ailments group, but feel happy, to those with low levels of mental health problems, but they suffer from chronic health problems, such as arthritis and high blood pressure.

A group of people with health vulnerabilities include those who are most disadvantaged and suffer from many chronic health problems and unhealthy behaviors life.
How do the researchers interpret these results?

The researchers concluded that "it is important to interpret the significance of heterogeneity (variable) in people suffering from obesity.

"Interventions that emanated from doctors and those in charge of political decision-making should not be aimed at people who suffer from obesity disease as a whole, but strategies based on the sub-groups to which he belongs these people."

About childhood obesity causes and treatment!
The solution

The researchers describe their study appropriately being General explanatory study based on the theoretical assumption. "This study has made using a large sample of the population consists of more than 4,000 people suffering from obesity in Yorkshire County.

And it looked this study whether there were patterns of health and socio-economic characteristics and life that are common to these people. The study concluded that there are six distinct categories commensurate with the best form this group. However, the researchers said, it may have been to use this study to lead to more research, "but" can not determine the cause. "

This study identified six categories of the model taken from the Yorkshire County, but we do not know whether the same six classes will be determined whether the other models of people who suffer from obesity, which has been tested - such as, those people with Sunni reconstruction different or different ethnic or from different provinces within the United Kingdom, or from different countries. And other models can produce little or a lot of groups or different categories.

Even if the various groups that suffer from obesity this is correct, we can not talk about how to have a link different health risks. For example, through some of the chronic diseases that were more common in certain groups suffer from obesity, we can not mention whether they have obesity contributes to the incidence of these diseases. And using the same scale, we can not mention whether any of the qualities of life that have been measured may have contributed to the disease of obesity.

And organizers of this study has stated that all the people involved in this study will benefit from weight loss, but weight loss can not be the priority for all members of these groups. He has argued, for example as "among the people group that suffer from health vulnerability, can the issue of weight loss to be less in interest compared with chronic diseases suffered by this group. This is in contrast to other groups, such as young women of healthy girls group or older wealthy people with group Good health, where that weight loss can have a priority for them. "

However, we can not recall through this research whether any of these groups that suffer from obesity characterized as "healthy" or "unhealthy" for any other group. Where obesity is known to be associated with many adverse health effects of having the risk of heart and blood vessels and specific cancerous diseases. The search so far has not found the type of "healthy" one of obesity.And obesity means unhealthy weight.

And although it may be true that the different types of people that suffer from obesity can respond better to the different types of overlap (such as the introduction of exercise or behavioral support groups), it can not be determined from this study, which did not examine interventions different.

As the researchers said, their research provides the exciting and interesting way to study is expansive ways in which can handle the obesity epidemic.However, the best way to be is to target healthy weight and lifestyle through food and balanced repeated regular exercise and not smoking and balancing the amount of alcohol that is Ahtsaaha.